Our Innovation Lab

In today’s rapidly changing market, technologies, and requirements, companies need several innovative services to leverage their core competencies and outsource the other areas. We have the expertise to Learn and Train your customers, partners, and employees. We are an independent Lab for Testing your products and to Certify Integrations with other company’s products. Bring your products to our High Tech Lab with the latest leading edge servers, equipment, state of the art processes and innovation. We have remote facilities where tests can be conducted in a secure environment.


If you don’t have the resources to fully train your customers, partners, and employees, outsource your curriculum to us. We have the expertise, talent and space to conduct those trainings for you and obtain certifiable results.

QA and Testing

Time to Market is critical. Having a quality product is even more critical. Quality is designed in, not Tested out. Don’t trust your users and customers to “play with and try to break” your product as a means to have a quality product. We work with you from the specification development timeframe to ensure that you are developing a product that has quality built in. We also ensure that you are creating a product that is Supportable, Manufacturable, Reliable, Available, Repairable, and Performs to its specifications and requirements.

Integration Certifications

If you have software or hardware, you need to prove that your products work with other products. How do you prove that it works? Will other vendors and customers (and government) trust your say so? Let an independent Lab install and follow your instructions to verify that you integrate with other products

Let us Support You, your Customers, Partners, and Employees by extending your leverage.